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Buy Lily Of The Valley Bouquet

Bulk Lily of the Valley flowers are beautiful bell-shaped flowers with a sweet scent. Its small white blooms are extremely fragile and delicately rest upon broad basal leaves. A very popular wedding flower, the white Lily of the Valley would add an elegant touch to any table centerpiece, wedding bouquet, or flower arrangement. Shipped fresh from our farms directly to your doorstep at wholesale prices.

buy lily of the valley bouquet

Lily of the valley is a low-growing (6 to 12 inches tall), spreading plant that comes up year after year in late spring. The genus Convallaria includes a single species, C. majalis, which is among the most useful ground covers for shade.

Lily of the valley blooms are bell-shaped and appear as a cluster on one side of a leafless stalk and last for about three weeks. The leaves are located at the base of the plant. The delicate white or soft pink flowers are very fragrant.

Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis (/ˌkɒnvəˈleɪriə məˈdʒeɪlɪs/),[2] sometimes written lily-of-the-valley,[3] is a woodland flowering plant with sweetly scented, pendent, bell-shaped white flowers borne in sprays in spring. It is native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe.[4][5] Convallaria majalis var. montana, also known as the American lily of the valley, is native to North America.[6][7]

In the APG III system, the genus is placed in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Nolinoideae (formerly the family Ruscaceae[14]). It was formerly placed in its own family Convallariaceae, and, like many lilioid monocots, before that in the lily family Liliaceae.

The odor of lily of the valley, specifically the ligand bourgeonal, was thought to attract mammalian sperm.[30] The 2003 discovery of this phenomenon prompted research into odor reception,[31] but a 2012 study demonstrated instead that at high concentrations, bourgeonal imitated the role of progesterone in stimulating sperm to swim (chemotaxis), a process unrelated to odor reception.[32]

In 1956, the French firm Dior produced a fragrance simulating lily of the valley, which was Christian Dior's favorite flower. Diorissimo was designed by Edmond Roudnitska.[34] Although it has since been reformulated, it is considered a classic.[34][35] Because no natural aromatic extract can be produced from lily of the valley, its scent must be recreated synthetically; while Diorissimo originally achieved this with hydroxycitronellal, the European Chemicals Agency now considers it a skin sensitizer and its use has been restricted.[36][37]

Lily of the valley has been used in weddings[39] and off-season can be very expensive.[40] Lily of the valley was featured in the bridal bouquet at the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton.[40][41] Lily of the valley was also the flower chosen by Princess Grace of Monaco to be featured in her bridal bouquet.[citation needed]

At the beginning of the 20th century, it became tradition in France to sell lily of the valley on international Labour Day, 1 May (also called La Fête du Muguet (Lily of the Valley Day) by labour organisations and private persons without paying sales tax (on that day only) as a symbol of spring.[42]

Lily of the valley is worn in Helston (Cornwall, UK) on Flora Day (8 May each year, see Furry Dance) representing the coming of "the May-o" and the summer. There is also a song sung in pubs around Cornwall (and on Flora Day in Cadgwith, near Helston) called "Lily of the Valley"; the song, strangely, came from the Jubilee Singers from Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee.[43]

The plant has been used in folk medicine for centuries.[44] There is a reference to "Lilly of the valley water" in Robert Louis Stevenson's novel Kidnapped where it is said to be "good against the Gout", and that it "comforts the heart and strengthens the memory" and "restores speech to those that have the dumb palsey".[45] There is no scientific evidence that lily of the valley has any effective medicinal uses for treating human diseases.[8][29]

The name "lily of the valley", like its correspondences in some other European languages, is apparently a reference to the phrase "lily of the valleys" (sometimes also translated as "lily of the valley") in Song of Songs 2:1 (שׁוֹשַׁנַּת הָעֲמָקִים).[48] European herbalists' use of the phrase to refer to a specific plant species seems to have appeared relatively late in the 16th[49] or 15th century.[50] The New Latin term convallaria (coined by Carl Linnaeus) and, for example, Swedish name liljekonvalj derives from the corresponding phrase lilium convallium in the Vulgate.

The Lily of the Valley bouquet in the UK recalls various good things such as purity, youth, sincerity, discretion and happiness. With such joyful symbolism, it's no surprise that the Lily of the Valley bouquet tends to be among the most popular orders in most floral shops. It's beautiful and delicate look will delight anyone who happens to receive a floral arrangement with those flowers. Of course, the Lilies of the Valley bouquet often is supported by other types of blooms, such as Sweet Pea, Peonies, Cymbidium, Lavender and others. At Flower Box London, you will find an extensive collection of the most beautiful floral arrangements with these and other types of blooms.

Lily of the valley is related to asparagus and grows through stolons and rhizomes, spreading out into huge colonies. This eagerness to spread is why it becomes so difficult to tame in the garden, unless properly restricted.

Lily of the valley produces strands (raceme) of five to fifteen small, bell-shaped flowers form as strands on top of a single stem above the leaves. Each bloom consists of six white (most common) or pink tepals. The flowers are extremely fragrant and are used in perfumes and potpourri.

Lily of the valley really digs its time in the shade. I think it does the best when it gets some morning light, maybe a few hours worth, and gets to kick back in the cool shade from about 10 a.m. onward.

A yearly addition of rich, organic compost is ideal for fueling C. majalis. Apply a nice layer of mulch, maybe 1 to 2 inches in depth, and let it break down naturally to supplement the soil around your lily of the valley.

My method of choice is to allow lily of the valley to grow freely, then divide out the chunks I find undesirable in the early winter. November or December is ideal for doing this, but early spring works too.

Beautiful and tough-as-nails, lily of the valley graces the garden's shady nooks with perfumed blooms in spring. Lily of the valley flowers usually open in hues of purest white, although there are pink lily of the valley varieties.

Planting lily of the valley is the secret to a low maintenance groundcover that's hardy in Zones 2 to 7. The plant needs cold weather to stage its best show, which is why it's prettiest in regions with colder winters. In these zones, the flower show often starts later and extends into early summer.

Clues that reveal the meaning of lily of the valley are found in the plant's botanical or scientific name, Convallaria majalis. Convallaria comes from the Latin word for valley ("convallis"), while the Latin word "majalis" means "belonging to May," which is when lily of the valley flowers appear.

When to Plant Lily of the ValleyThe best time to plant lily of the valley varies depending on what form you buy. If you're buying it in pots or square flats with a large section of plants, you can tuck plants into soil in spring when all danger of frost is past.

Look for bareroot plants (called pips) in early spring (or sometimes in fall), often sold in small plastic bags in the same display as bulbs or bareroot fruit plants. Tuck these lily of the valley plants into soil as soon as you buy them. Lily of the valley typically takes two years to flower when planted bareroot.

You can also score big bargains on lily of the valley by purchasing potted plants in summer or early fall, when plants aren't flowering. These out-of-bloom plants often populate discount tables at nurseries or garden centers at these times of year. If you buy a potted lily of the valley in summer, wait to plant until fall. Keep the pot in a shady spot, watering as needed to keep leaves from wilting.

Lily of the valley growing in a sunnier spot typically slips into dormancy as summer heat arrives. You can coax a longer season of green by providing regular water to plants, enough to keep leaves from wilting. Lily of the valley plants growing in shade don't typically need additional water.

Lily of the valley doesn't have a big appetite. Top dress plantings with an inch or two of rich compost (composted leaves, manure or bagged compost products) in spring when stems have poked through soil. Compost nourishes plants and helps build nutrient-rich soil.

Groundcovers that spread like lily of the valley grow best when you divide them every few years. Overcrowded plantings don't flower as well. A dwindling flower show is a good signal that it's time to divide the plants.

If you have lily of the valley that you're not going to plant or give away, do not put it into the compost until you've let it bake in the sun on a tarp or piece of cardboard for a week or so to kill the plants. Otherwise, you risk filling your compost pile with live roots that will sprout new plants.

Most lily of the valley varieties offer white blossoms, although a pink lily of the valley is available. Some varieties have larger flowers, while others have a tamer nature and won't run amok in your garden. Here are a few popular varieties:

What are lily of the valley berries?Flowers can fade to form red berries, but this only happens if you have plants that haven't all grown from the same root (rhizome) or stem (stolon) structure. In most colonies, the plants are all essentially clones, having grown from the same parent plant. As a rule, lily of the valley flowers are self-sterile, so they need to be cross-pollinated with flowers from a different plant to make fruit. 041b061a72


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